Upcoming Events This International Squirrel Appreciation Day

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Пушистые любители орехов: столичные экоцентры проведут цикл познавательных мероприятий к Международному дню белок
Пушистые любители орехов: столичные экоцентры проведут цикл познавательных мероприятий к Международному дню белок from

Upcoming events this International Squirrel Appreciation Day

Moscow eco-centers are hosting a series of educational events to celebrate International Squirrel Appreciation Day.

The events will take place on different dates in January and include lectures, workshops, and guided tours.

The Moscow eco-centers are gearing up to celebrate International Squirrel Appreciation Day with a series of educational events. The events will take place on different dates in January and include lectures, workshops, and guided tours.

The goal of the events is to raise awareness about the importance of squirrels in the urban ecosystem and to promote their conservation. Squirrels are an important part of the urban ecosystem, as they help to disperse seeds and pollinate plants. They are also a popular food source for other animals, such as hawks and owls.

The events will be held at the following eco-centers:

For more information about the events, please visit the website of the Moscow Department of Environmental Management.

In addition to the events at the eco-centers, there are a number of other ways to celebrate International Squirrel Appreciation Day. Here are a few ideas:

By taking part in these activities, you can help to raise awareness about the importance of squirrels and promote their conservation.